Carboidrati e calorie di bustine Bolero e Eleven Fit

Calories and carbohydrates of Bolero and Eleven Fit flavors

Jan 27, 2023Ciboplus Srl

The Eleven Fit sachets of powdered flavorings and the Boleros would seem to be the answer to the desire of all those who care about physical fitness or who are on a diet: to find (more or less) delicious foods with zero calories and zero carbohydrates. This is why I felt a bit guilty revealing (or rather pointing out since it's all written on the label) that the reality is a little different and that, while remaining products with few calories and few carbohydrates, they really have zero little.

But seeing that in this world (of traders and manufacturers of functional foods) transparency is not at home because the fact that customers think that a product has zero obviously makes a joke and increases sales, as usual I will be the outsider and I will explain how to read the nutritional information of these products and understand their relative values.

Have you noticed that the values ​​shown on the label refer to 100ml of prepared drink and not to the powder in the sachet? And that among the ingredients there are maltodextrins which are a carbohydrate?

Keep these two things in mind to follow my calculation that I do on a random flavor (the values ​​vary slightly from flavor to flavor, once you understand the calculation you can apply it to all sachets).

BOLERO sachet of 3g

Bolero tells us that this sachet is designed to flavor 500ml of water and the values ​​are reported accordingly.

2kcal per 100ml of drink therefore

10kcal whole sachet (2kcal for 5)

Sometimes the carbohydrates in Boleros are 0.17, other times zero but in any case when you have 10kcal you know that they are all deriving from carbohydrates given that among the ingredients the only ones that provide nutrients are maltodextrins therefore

2.5g whole sachet of carbohydrates (10kcal / 4kcal)

ELEVEN FIT 9g sachet

This sachet is designed for 1.5 liters of water and the values ​​are accordingly

3kcal per 100ml of drink therefore

45kcal whole sachet (3kcal x 15)

Here Eleven Fit has approximated by default and the carbohydrates are always zero but obviously these 45 calories (then it depends on the taste of course but the calculation is the same) are from carbohydrates because, here too, the only ingredient that provides nutrients are maltodextrins therefore

11.25g of carbohydrates per 9g sachet (45/4 kcal)

I don't think I have disclosed a mystery but given the number of customers who thought that these products shouldn't be counted in their diet and ate them by the spoonful, it seemed right to me to shed some light.

These are excellent products, very versatile and not to be demonized but, like everything, you must not abuse them and above all learn to read the labels correctly!

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